
A Community that supports love, joy,
and peace in life


A Community that supports love, joy,
and peace in life


A Community that supports love, joy,
and peace in life


A Community that supports love, joy,
and peace in life

Join Us On Saturdays

Purification of Heart & Healing Circle (Zikr)

Join us in exploring the depths of Sufi teachings and practices, which can aid you in understanding your true identity and reinforce your bond with Allah.

Saturday 6:00 pm Central Time

  • No Registration Fee
  • Free Food
  • In-person Experience

Want to Rediscover Your Inner Joy?

Are you seeking something deeper in your heart? Perhaps you yearn for a greater sense of love, happiness, and serenity, or you may wish to navigate life's ups and downs with greater ease.

You might feel like there is something inside of you that is waiting to be uncovered, expressed, or explored, but you're not quite sure how to get there. If this sounds familiar, know that you are not alone.

Sometimes, despite our best efforts, it can be challenging to cultivate joy and contentment in our lives. We may have tried various approaches, such as meditation, therapy, exercise, or positive affirmations, but still feel like we're missing out on something.

At Marifah, we understand that life can be difficult, but we believe that it is possible to cultivate love and joy, no matter what challenges we face. We can help you rediscover who you truly are and support you on your spiritual journey, without asking you to fix yourself or work harder than necessary. Join our spiritual community and let us guide you towards a more fulfilling life.

“If people of various religions, including Muslims, Jews, Christians, and others,
truly understood the essence of their faith, there would only exist one
religion - the religion that advocates for love, peace, gratitude, and mercy.”
Serkar Mubarak

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