Weekly Ziker Gatherings

Come and Join in the Gatherings of Dhikr ul Allah

"Only in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest!" (QS.13: 28).

We welcome you to our weekly Zikar gathering, where we gather together to remember Allah and purify our hearts and souls. We aim to deepen our connection with Allah and seek spiritual growth. Our gatherings also provide an opportunity to build a supportive community with like-minded individuals. We invite you to join us in this journey toward spiritual fulfillment and communal harmony.

“Come, come, whoever you are. Wanderer, worshiper, lover of leaving. It doesn’t matter. Ours is not a caravan of despair. come, even if you have broken your vows a thousand times. Come, yet again, come, come.” Rumi

  • Date & Time:

    Every Week On Saturday at 5pm Est Time

  • Location:

    13308 Buena Vista Rd, Waynesboro, PA 17268

  • Meals:

    Free Halal Meals

  • Accommodations:

    Private & Shared Accommodations

Register Yourself

Benefits of Zikar

Purifies the heart

Zikr of Allah helps to cleanse the heart of impurities and negative thoughts, making it more receptive to guidance from Allah.

Increases spirituality

Consistent Zikr helps to increase one's spirituality and brings one closer to Allah, which can lead to a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Relieves stress

Zikr of Allah helps to relieve stress and anxiety by calming the mind and providing a sense of inner peace.

Improves focus

Regular Zikr helps to improve concentration and focus, which can benefit one's work, studies, and daily life.

Strengthens faith

Zikr of Allah reinforces one's faith in Allah and strengthens the belief in His presence, power, and guidance.

Helps in self-reflection

Zikr of Allah helps to reflect on one's actions and encourages self-improvement through increased awareness of Allah's presence and guidance.

Increases humility

Zikr of Allah fosters humility and reminds us of our dependence on Allah for all blessings and guidance.

Protects from evil

Zikr of Allah acts as a protective shield against the influence of negative forces, including temptation, envy, and arrogance.

Promotes unity

Zikr of Allah brings people together and fosters a sense of community by encouraging mutual respect, compassion, and support.

Brings blessings

Zikr of Allah attracts blessings from Allah and helps to overcome difficulties and obstacles in life.

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